Mercedes 4MATIC
Touch Screen POS
About the Project

The goal for the 4MATIC POS application was to inform the user about the adaptaptabilty of the Mercedes-Benz 4MATIC (4 wheel) drive.

The user is able to interact with the screen by choosing different weather intensities. This would elaborate on how the technology adjusts seamlessly to sharp changes in the road and weather conditions. We visited pop up stores and dealers to visually observe users behaviours whilst navigating through the POS system, this proved helpful when understanding some key shifts in data.

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The rain drastically increases the user experience to illustrate the power distribution between each wheel. This being, on average, the most accustomed weather condition the UK population experiences.

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The outcome

The project was very well received by our clients at Mercedes-Benz UK. They were impressed with our effort to constantly improve existing platforms. From these changes, the client has insisted they want all the future and past applications to feel similar and fit into this visual language. The project not only was for the client, but was used as a design framework for the YFS design team to base their projects on, allowing them to effectively start designing with templates set up in sketch using the grid, colour palette, components and navigation.

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